Source code for

# Adapted from, licensed MIT:
# Copyright © 2021 Scott Lundberg. All rights reserved.

# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
# associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction,
# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
#  and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
# subject to the following conditions:

# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies
# or substantial portions of the Software.


import random
import string
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

import numpy as np
import treescope as ts
import treescope.figures as fg
import treescope.rendering_parts as rp
from matplotlib.colors import Colormap
from rich import box
from rich.color import Color
from rich.console import Console
from import Live
from rich.markup import escape
from rich.padding import Padding
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.progress import BarColumn, Progress, TextColumn, TimeRemainingColumn
from import Style
from rich.table import Column, Table
from rich.text import Text
from tqdm.std import tqdm

from ..utils import isnotebook
from ..utils.misc import clean_tokens
from ..utils.typing import TextSequences
from ..utils.viz_utils import (

    from .attribution import FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput

if isnotebook():
    cmap = treescope_cmap()

[docs] def show_attributions( attributions: "FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput", min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None, display: bool = True, return_html: bool | None = False, ) -> str | None: """Core function allowing for visualization of feature attribution maps in console/HTML format. Args: attributions (:class:``): Sequence attributions to be visualized. min_val (:obj:`Optional[int]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Lower attribution score threshold for color map. max_val (`Optional[int]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Upper attribution score threshold for color map. display (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to True): Whether to show the output of the visualization function. return_html (`Optional[bool]`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, returns the HTML corresponding to the notebook visualization of the attributions in string format, for saving purposes. Returns: `Optional[str]`: Returns the HTML output if `return_html=True` """ from import FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput if isinstance(attributions, FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput): attributions = [attributions] html_out = "" html_colors = get_attribution_colors(attributions, min_val, max_val, cmap=red_transparent_blue_colormap()) if not isnotebook(): colors = get_attribution_colors(attributions, min_val, max_val, return_alpha=False, return_strings=False) idx = 0 for ex_id, attribution in enumerate(attributions): instance_html = get_instance_html(ex_id) curr_html = "" curr_html_color = None if attribution.source_attributions is not None: curr_html_color = html_colors[idx] curr_html += instance_html curr_html += get_heatmap_type(attribution, curr_html_color, "Source", use_html=True) if attribution.target_attributions is not None: curr_html_color = html_colors[idx + 1] display_scores = attribution.source_attributions is None and attribution.step_scores if attribution.target_attributions is not None or display_scores: if curr_html_color is None and html_colors: curr_html_color = html_colors[idx] curr_html += instance_html curr_html += get_heatmap_type(attribution, curr_html_color, "Target", use_html=True) if display and isnotebook(): from IPython.core.display import HTML, display display(HTML(curr_html)) html_out += curr_html if not isnotebook(): console = Console() curr_color = None if attribution.source_attributions is not None: curr_color = colors[idx] if display: print("\n\n") console.print( get_heatmap_type(attribution, curr_color, "Source", use_html=False), overflow="ignore" ) if attribution.target_attributions is not None: curr_color = colors[idx + 1] display_scores = attribution.source_attributions is None and attribution.step_scores if (attribution.target_attributions is not None or display_scores) and display: if curr_color is None and colors: curr_color = colors[idx] print("\n\n") console.print(get_heatmap_type(attribution, curr_color, "Target", use_html=False), overflow="ignore") if any(x is None for x in [attribution.source_attributions, attribution.target_attributions]): idx += 1 else: idx += 2 if return_html: return html_out
[docs] def show_granular_attributions( attributions: "FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput", max_show_size: int = 20, min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None, show_dim: int | str | None = None, slice_dims: dict[int | str, tuple[int, int]] | None = None, display: bool = True, return_html: bool | None = False, return_figure: bool = False, ) -> str | None: """Visualizes granular attribution heatmaps in HTML format. Args: attributions (:class:``): Sequence attributions to be visualized. Does not require pre-aggregation. min_val (:obj:`int`, *optional*, defaults to None): Lower attribution score threshold for color map. max_val (:obj:`int`, *optional*, defaults to None): Upper attribution score threshold for color map. max_show_size (:obj:`int`, *optional*, defaults to None): Maximum dimension size for additional dimensions to be visualized. Default: 20. show_dim (:obj:`int` or :obj:`str`, *optional*, defaults to None): Dimension to be visualized along with the source and target tokens. Can be either the dimension index or the dimension name. Works only if the dimension size is less than or equal to `max_show_size`. slice_dims (:obj:`dict[int or str, tuple[int, int]]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Dimensions to be sliced and visualized along with the source and target tokens. The dictionary should contain the dimension index or name as the key and the slice range as the value. display (:obj:`bool`, *optional*, defaults to True): Whether to show the output of the visualization function. return_html (:obj:`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, returns the HTML corresponding to the notebook visualization of the attributions in string format, for saving purposes. return_figure (:obj:`bool`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, returns the Treescope figure object for further manipulation. Returns: `str`: Returns the HTML output if `return_html=True` """ from import FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput if isinstance(attributions, FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput): attributions: list["FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput"] = [attributions] if not isnotebook() and display: raise ValueError( "Granular attribution heatmaps visualization is only supported in Jupyter notebooks. " "Please set `display=False` and `return_html=True` to avoid this error." ) if return_html and return_figure: raise ValueError("Only one of `return_html` and `return_figure` can be set to True.") items_to_render = [] for attribution in attributions: if attribution.source_attributions is not None: items_to_render += [ fg.bolded("Source Saliency Heatmap"), get_saliency_heatmap_treescope( attribution.source_attributions.numpy(), [t.token for t in[attribution.attr_pos_start : attribution.attr_pos_end]], [t.token for t in attribution.source], attribution._attribution_dim_names["source_attributions"], max_show_size=max_show_size, max_val=max_val, min_val=min_val, show_dim=show_dim, slice_dims=slice_dims, ), ] if attribution.target_attributions is not None: items_to_render += [ fg.bolded("Target Saliency Heatmap"), get_saliency_heatmap_treescope( attribution.target_attributions.numpy(), [t.token for t in[attribution.attr_pos_start : attribution.attr_pos_end]], [t.token for t in], attribution._attribution_dim_names["target_attributions"], max_show_size=max_show_size, max_val=max_val, min_val=min_val, show_dim=show_dim, slice_dims=slice_dims, ), ] items_to_render.append("") fig = fg.inline(*items_to_render) if return_figure: return fig if display: if return_html: return ts.lowering.render_to_html_as_root(fg.treescope_part_from_display_object(fig))
[docs] def show_token_attributions( attributions: "FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput", min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None, display: bool = True, return_html: bool | None = False, return_figure: bool = False, replace_char: dict[str, str] | None = None, wrap_after: int | str | list[str] | tuple[str] | None = None, step_score_highlight: str | None = None, ): """Visualizes token-level attributions in HTML format. Args: attributions (:class:``): Sequence attributions to be visualized. min_val (:obj:`Optional[int]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Lower attribution score threshold for color map. max_val (`Optional[int]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Upper attribution score threshold for color map. display (`bool`, *optional*, defaults to True): Whether to show the output of the visualization function. return_html (`Optional[bool]`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, returns the HTML corresponding to the notebook visualization of the attributions in string format, for saving purposes. return_figure (`Optional[bool]`, *optional*, defaults to False): If true, returns the Treescope figure object for further manipulation. replace_char (`Optional[dict[str, str]]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Dictionary mapping strings to be replaced to replacement options, used for cleaning special characters. Default: {}. wrap_after (`Optional[int | str | list[str] | tuple[str]]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Token indices or tokens after which to wrap lines. E.g. 10 = wrap after every 10 tokens, "hi" = wrap after word hi occurs, ["." "!", "?"] or ".!?" = wrap after every sentence-ending punctuation. step_score_highlight (`Optional[str]`, *optional*, defaults to None): Name of the step score to use to highlight generated tokens in the visualization. If None, no highlights are shown. Default: None. """ from import FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput if isinstance(attributions, FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput): attributions: list["FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput"] = [attributions] if not isnotebook() and display: raise ValueError( "Token attribution visualization is only supported in Jupyter notebooks. " "Please set `display=False` and `return_html=True` to avoid this error." ) if return_html and return_figure: raise ValueError("Only one of `return_html` and `return_figure` can be set to True.") if replace_char is None: replace_char = {} if max_val is None: max_val = max(attribution.maximum for attribution in attributions) if step_score_highlight is not None and ( attributions[0].step_scores is None or step_score_highlight not in attributions[0].step_scores ): raise ValueError( f'The requested step score "{step_score_highlight}" is not available for highlights in the provided ' "attribution object. Please set `step_score_highlight=None` or recompute `model.attribute` by passing " f'`step_scores=["{step_score_highlight}"].' ) generated_token_parts = [] for attr in attributions: cleaned_generated_tokens = clean_tokens( [t.token for t in[attr.attr_pos_start : attr.attr_pos_end]], replace_chars=replace_char ) cleaned_input_tokens = clean_tokens([t.token for t in attr.source], replace_chars=replace_char) cleaned_target_tokens = clean_tokens([t.token for t in], replace_chars=replace_char) step_scores = None title = "Generated text:\n\n" if step_score_highlight is not None: step_scores = attr.step_scores[step_score_highlight] scores_vmax = step_scores.max().item() # Use different cmap to differentiate from attribution scores scores_cmap = ( treescope_cmap("greens") if all(x >= 0 for x in step_scores) else treescope_cmap("brown_to_green") ) title = f"Generated text with {step_score_highlight} highlights:\n\n" generated_token_parts.append(rp.custom_style(rp.text(title), css_style="font-weight: bold;")) for gen_idx, curr_gen_tok in enumerate(cleaned_generated_tokens): attributed_token_parts = [rp.text("\n")] if attr.source_attributions is not None: attributed_token_parts.append( get_tokens_heatmap_treescope( tokens=cleaned_input_tokens, scores=attr.source_attributions[:, gen_idx].numpy(), title=f'Source attributions for "{curr_gen_tok}"', title_style="font-style: italic; color: #888888;", min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, wrap_after=wrap_after, ) ) attributed_token_parts.append(rp.text("\n\n")) if attr.target_attributions is not None: attributed_token_parts.append( get_tokens_heatmap_treescope( tokens=cleaned_target_tokens[: attr.attr_pos_start + gen_idx], scores=attr.target_attributions[:, gen_idx].numpy(), title=f'Target attributions for "{curr_gen_tok}"', title_style="font-style: italic; color: #888888;", min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, wrap_after=wrap_after, ) ) attributed_token_parts.append(rp.text("\n\n")) if step_scores is not None: gen_tok_label = get_single_token_heatmap_treescope( curr_gen_tok, step_scores[gen_idx].item(), max_val=scores_vmax, colormap=scores_cmap, show_empty_tokens=True, )[0] else: gen_tok_label = rp.text(curr_gen_tok) generated_token_parts.append( rp.build_full_line_with_annotations( rp.build_custom_foldable_tree_node( label=gen_tok_label, contents=rp.fold_condition( collapsed=rp.text(" "), expanded=rp.indented_children([rp.siblings(*attributed_token_parts)]), ), ) ) ) fig = fg.figure_from_treescope_rendering_part( rp.custom_style(rp.siblings(*generated_token_parts), css_style="white-space: pre-wrap") ) if return_figure: return fig if display: if return_html: return ts.lowering.render_to_html_as_root(fg.treescope_part_from_display_object(fig))
def get_attribution_colors( attributions: list["FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput"], min_val: int | None = None, max_val: int | None = None, cmap: str | Colormap | None = None, return_alpha: bool = True, return_strings: bool = True, ) -> list[list[list[str | tuple[float, float, float]]]]: """A list (one element = one sentence) of lists (one element = attributions for one token) of lists (one element = one attribution) of colors. Colors are either strings or RGB(A) tuples. """ if max_val is None: max_val = max(attribution.maximum for attribution in attributions) if min_val is None: min_val = -max_val colors = [] for attribution in attributions: if attribution.source_attributions is not None: colors.append( get_colors( attribution.source_attributions.numpy(), min_val, max_val, cmap, return_alpha, return_strings ) ) if attribution.target_attributions is not None: colors.append( get_colors( attribution.target_attributions.numpy(), min_val, max_val, cmap, return_alpha, return_strings ) ) return colors def get_heatmap_type( attribution: "FeatureAttributionSequenceOutput", colors, heatmap_type: Literal["Source", "Target"] = "Source", use_html: bool = False, ) -> str: heatmap_func = get_saliency_heatmap_html if use_html else get_saliency_heatmap_rich step_scores = None if attribution.step_scores is not None: step_scores = {k: v.numpy() for k, v in attribution.step_scores.items()} if heatmap_type == "Source": return heatmap_func( attribution.source_attributions.numpy(), [t.token for t in[attribution.attr_pos_start : attribution.attr_pos_end]], # noqa [t.token for t in attribution.source], colors, step_scores, label="Source", ) elif heatmap_type == "Target": if attribution.target_attributions is not None: target_attributions = attribution.target_attributions.numpy() else: target_attributions = None return heatmap_func( target_attributions, [t.token for t in[attribution.attr_pos_start : attribution.attr_pos_end]], # noqa [t.token for t in], colors, step_scores, label="Target", ) else: raise ValueError(f"Type {heatmap_type} is not supported.") def get_saliency_heatmap_html( scores: np.ndarray | None, column_labels: list[str], row_labels: list[str], input_colors: list[list[str]], step_scores: dict[str, np.ndarray] | None = None, label: str = "", step_scores_threshold: float | dict[str, float] = 0.5, ): # unique ID added to HTML elements and function to avoid collision of differnent instances uuid = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=20)) out = saliency_heatmap_table_header # add top row containing target tokens out += "<tr><th></th><th></th>" for column_idx in range(len(column_labels)): out += f"<th>{column_idx}</th>" out += "</tr><tr><th></th><th></th>" for column_label in column_labels: out += f"<th>{sanitize_html(column_label)}</th>" out += "</tr>" if scores is not None: for row_index in range(scores.shape[0]): out += f"<tr><th>{row_index}</th><th>{sanitize_html(row_labels[row_index])}</th>" for col_index in range(scores.shape[1]): score = "" if not np.isnan(scores[row_index, col_index]): score = round(float(scores[row_index][col_index]), 3) out += f'<th style="background:{input_colors[row_index][col_index]}">{score}</th>' out += "</tr>" if step_scores is not None: for step_score_name, step_score_values in step_scores.items(): out += f'<tr style="outline: thin solid"><th></th><th><b>{step_score_name}</b></th>' if isinstance(step_scores_threshold, float): threshold = step_scores_threshold else: threshold = step_scores_threshold.get(step_score_name, 0.5) style = lambda val, limit: abs(val) >= limit and isinstance(val, float) for col_index in range(len(column_labels)): if isinstance(step_score_values[col_index].item(), float): score = round(step_score_values[col_index].item(), 3) else: score = step_score_values[col_index].item() is_bold = style(score, threshold) out += f'<th>{"<b>" if is_bold else ""}{score}{"</b>" if is_bold else ""}</th>' out += "</table>" saliency_heatmap_markup = saliency_heatmap_html.format(uuid=uuid, content=out, label=label) plot_uuid = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=20)) return final_plot_html.format( uuid=plot_uuid, saliency_plot_markup=saliency_heatmap_markup, ) def get_saliency_heatmap_rich( scores: np.ndarray | None, column_labels: list[str], row_labels: list[str], input_colors: list[list[str]], step_scores: dict[str, np.ndarray] | None = None, label: str = "", step_scores_threshold: float | dict[str, float] = 0.5, ): columns = [ Column(header="", justify="right", overflow="fold"), Column(header="", justify="right", overflow="fold"), ] for idx, column_label in enumerate(column_labels): columns.append(Column(header=f"{idx}\n{escape(column_label)}", justify="center", overflow="fold")) table = Table( *columns, title=f"{label + ' ' if label else ''}Saliency Heatmap", caption="→ : Generated tokens, ↓ : Attributed tokens", padding=(0, 1, 0, 1), show_lines=False, box=box.HEAVY_HEAD, ) if scores is not None: for row_index in range(scores.shape[0]): row = [Text(f"{row_index}", style="bold"), Text(escape(row_labels[row_index]), style="bold")] for col_index in range(scores.shape[1]): color = Color.from_rgb(*input_colors[row_index][col_index]) score = "" if not np.isnan(scores[row_index][col_index]): score = round(float(scores[row_index][col_index]), 2) row.append(Text(f"{score}", justify="center", style=Style(color=color))) table.add_row(*row, end_section=row_index == scores.shape[0] - 1) if step_scores is not None: for step_score_name, step_score_values in step_scores.items(): if isinstance(step_scores_threshold, float): threshold = step_scores_threshold else: threshold = step_scores_threshold.get(step_score_name, 0.5) style = lambda val, limit: "bold" if abs(val) >= limit and isinstance(val, float) else "" score_row = [Text(""), Text(escape(step_score_name), style="bold")] for score in step_score_values: curr_score = round(score.item(), 2) if isinstance(score, float) else score.item() score_row.append(Text(f"{score:.2f}", justify="center", style=style(curr_score, threshold))) table.add_row(*score_row, end_section=True) return table def get_saliency_heatmap_treescope( scores: np.ndarray | None, column_labels: list[str], row_labels: list[str], dim_names: dict[int, str] | None = None, max_show_size: int | None = None, max_val: float | None = None, min_val: float | None = None, show_dim: int | str | None = None, slice_dims: dict[int | str, tuple[int, int]] | None = None, ): if max_show_size is None: max_show_size = 20 if dim_names is None: dim_names = {} item_labels_dict = {0: row_labels, 1: column_labels} rev_dim_names = {v: k for k, v in dim_names.items()} col_dims = [1] slider_dims = [] if slice_dims is not None: slices = [slice(None)] * scores.ndim for dim_name, slice_idxs in slice_dims.items(): dim_idx = test_dim(dim_name, dim_names, rev_dim_names, scores) slices[dim_idx] = slice(slice_idxs[0], slice_idxs[1]) scores = scores[tuple(slices)] if show_dim is not None: show_dim_idx = test_dim(show_dim, dim_names, rev_dim_names, scores) if scores.shape[show_dim_idx] > max_show_size: raise ValueError( f"Dimension {show_dim_idx} has size {scores.shape[show_dim_idx]} which is greater than the maximum " f"show size {max_show_size}. Please choose a different dimension or slice the tensor before " "visualizing it using SliceAggregator." ) col_dims.append(show_dim_idx) for dim_idx, dim_name in dim_names.items(): if dim_idx > 1: if scores.shape[dim_idx] <= max_show_size and len(col_dims) < 2: col_dims.append(dim_idx) else: slider_dims.append(dim_idx) item_labels_dict[dim_idx] = [f"{dim_name} #{i}" for i in range(scores.shape[dim_idx])] return ts.render_array( scores, rows=[0], columns=col_dims, sliders=slider_dims, axis_labels={k: f"{v}: {scores.shape[k]}" for k, v in dim_names.items()}, axis_item_labels=item_labels_dict, vmax=max_val, vmin=min_val, ) def get_single_token_heatmap_treescope( token: str, score: float, min_val: float | None = None, max_val: float = 1, rounding: int = 4, colormap: list[tuple[int, int, int]] | None = None, strip_chars: dict[str, str] = {}, show_empty_tokens: bool = False, return_highlighted_idx: bool = False, ) -> list[rp.RenderableTreePart] | tuple[list[rp.RenderableTreePart], int]: parts = [None] idx_highlight = 0 curr_tok = token for char, repl in strip_chars.items(): if curr_tok.startswith(char): curr_tok = curr_tok.lstrip(char) parts = [rp.text(repl)] + parts idx_highlight += 1 if curr_tok.endswith(char): curr_tok = curr_tok.rstrip(char) parts.append(rp.text(repl)) if (show_empty_tokens and token != "") or curr_tok != "": show_token = token if show_empty_tokens and curr_tok == "" else curr_tok else: show_token = " " highlighted_text = fg.treescope_part_from_display_object( fg.text_on_color(show_token, value=round(score, rounding), vmin=min_val, vmax=max_val, colormap=colormap) ) parts[idx_highlight] = highlighted_text if return_highlighted_idx: return parts, idx_highlight, show_token return parts def get_tokens_heatmap_treescope( tokens: list[str], scores: np.ndarray, title: str | None = None, title_style: str | None = None, min_val: float | None = None, max_val: float = 1, rounding: int = 4, wrap_after: int | str | list[str] | tuple[str] | None = None, colormap: str | list[tuple[int, int, int]] = "blue_to_red", strip_chars: dict[str, str] = {}, show_empty_tokens: bool = True, ): parts = [] if title is not None: parts.append(rp.custom_style(rp.text(title + ":\n"), css_style=title_style)) if isinstance(colormap, str): colormap = treescope_cmap(colormap) if not isinstance(colormap, list): raise ValueError("If specified, colormap must be a string or a list of RGB tuples.") for tok_idx, tok in enumerate(tokens): parts += get_single_token_heatmap_treescope( tok, scores[tok_idx], min_val=min_val, max_val=max_val, rounding=rounding, colormap=colormap, strip_chars=strip_chars, show_empty_tokens=show_empty_tokens, ) parts += maybe_add_linebreak(tok, tok_idx, wrap_after) return rp.siblings(*parts) # Progress bar utilities def get_progress_bar( sequences: TextSequences, target_lengths: list[int], method_name: str, show: bool, pretty: bool, attr_pos_start: int, attr_pos_end: int, ) -> tqdm | tuple[Progress, Live] | None: if not show: return None elif show and not pretty: return tqdm( total=attr_pos_end, desc=f"Attributing with {method_name}...", initial=attr_pos_start, ) elif show and pretty: job_progress = Progress( TextColumn("{task.description}", table_column=Column(ratio=3, no_wrap=False)), BarColumn(table_column=Column(ratio=1)), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), TimeRemainingColumn(), ) for idx, (tgt, tgt_len) in enumerate(zip(sequences.targets, target_lengths, strict=False)): clean_tgt = escape(tgt.replace("\n", "\\n")) job_progress.add_task(f"{idx}. {clean_tgt}", total=tgt_len) progress_table = Table.grid() row_contents = [ job_progress, title=f"[b]Attributing with {escape(method_name)}", border_style="green", padding=(1, 2), ) ] if sequences.sources is not None: sources = [] for idx, src in enumerate(sequences.sources): clean_src = escape(src.replace("\n", "\\n")) sources.append(f"{idx}. {clean_src}") row_contents = [ "\n".join(sources), title="Source sentences", border_style="red", padding=(1, 2), ) ] + row_contents progress_table.add_row(*row_contents) live = Live(Padding(progress_table, (1, 0, 1, 0)), refresh_per_second=10) live.start(refresh=live._renderable is not None) return job_progress, live def update_progress_bar( pbar: tqdm | tuple[Progress, Live] | None, skipped_prefixes: list[str] | None = None, attributed_sentences: list[str] | None = None, unattributed_suffixes: list[str] | None = None, skipped_suffixes: list[str] | None = None, whitespace_indexes: list[list[int]] = None, show: bool = False, pretty: bool = False, ) -> None: if not show: return elif show and not pretty: pbar.update(1) else: split_targets = (skipped_prefixes, attributed_sentences, unattributed_suffixes, skipped_suffixes) for job in pbar[0].tasks: if not job.finished: pbar[0].advance( formatted_desc = f"{}. " past_length = 0 for split, color in zip(split_targets, ["grey58", "green", "orange1", "grey58"], strict=False): if split[]: formatted_desc += f"[{color}]" + escape(split[].replace("\n", "\\n")) + "[/]" past_length += len(split[]) if past_length in whitespace_indexes[]: formatted_desc += " " past_length += 1 pbar[0].update(, description=formatted_desc, refresh=True) def close_progress_bar(pbar: tqdm | tuple[Progress, Live] | None, show: bool, pretty: bool) -> None: if not show: return elif show and not pretty: pbar.close() else: _, live = pbar live.stop()